Luz a las naciones, tierra de Dios.
¡Feliz independencia!
Preocupémonos los unos por los otros, a fin de estimularnos al amor y a las buenas obras. No dejemos de congregarnos, como acostumbran hacerlo algunos, sino animémonos unos a otros, y con mayor razón ahora que vemos que aquel día se acerca.
Hebreos 10:24-25
No podemos seguir a Jesús de forma aislada. No es que “no debemos” es que simplemente NO PODEMOS.
Es vital que participemos en la iteración del “ahora y todavía no" de la familia de Jesús, la iglesia, que es a la vez hermosa y profundamente defectuosa.
Es muy difícil ya que entre todo lo que está mal en el mundo caído a causa del pecado, las relaciones son algo muy profundamente afectado y arruinado. Relaciones con Dios y las relaciones unos con otros. El amor ha sido distorsionado por la caída. La traición, los celos, contiendas, heridas, soledad, egoísmo y demás están arraigados en el alma humana. Jesús salvó, está salvando y salvará a cada uno de nosotros de esta ruina al formar una gloriosa familia, un nuevo equipo lleno de Su amor: la iglesia. Solo debemos seguirlo a Él, y seguir su camino.
Extracto del libro “Practicing the way” y adaptación de FCA GUATEMALA.
Con un amigo hablábamos de cómo tantas veces sin decir una palabra, sin si quiera conocernos… hemos compartido tantos momentos y creado tantas amistades con solo jugar juntos. ¡Gracias a Dios por la Chamusca! Y por las personas tan increíbles que hemos conocido.
With a friend we talked about how so many times without saying a word, without even knowing each other... we have shared so many moments and created so many friendships just by playing together. Thank God for this game! And the amazing people we got the chance to meet.
Entrenador: Tu tienes influencia, se te ha dado por Dios con un propósito más grande que solo ganar partidos. ¿La estás usando bien?
Coach: You have influence, it was given to you by God with a purpose greater than just winning games . Are you using it wisely?
¡Gracias @sbiblica_gt !
Gracias por tener un corazón por los entrenadores y atletas, y por brindar herramientas que nos ayuden a conocer a Dios.
Gracias a Dios por poder dejarnos finalizar el Entrenamiento E3 con los líderes de @iglesiaprincipedepazgt
No somos llamados a ser calienta bancas, somos llamados a ir y hacer discípulos, a ser parte activa del cuerpo de Cristo en su misión de reconciliación.
¡Ya es lunes! 🏁
Para iniciar la semana no olvidemos que:
“El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación; ¿A quién temeré? El Señor es la fortaleza de mi vida; ¿De quién tendré temor?”
Salmo 27:1
It’s Monday! 🏁
To kick start the week, let’s us not forget that:
“The Lord is my light and my salvation— Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life— Whom shall I dread?”
Psalms 27:1
Para finalizar la unidad deportiva de beisbol llevamos los alumnos de @amgguatemala a conocer el Diamante Infantil de Beisbol Gálvez Sobral en el cual el presidente de la liga infantil de clubes Carlos Hernández nos recibió con los entrenadores de los distintos clubes. Los chicos repasaron las distintas técnicas básicas de este deporte y concluimos con encuentros entre los alumnos.
Agradecemos a Dios, a la Federación de Beisbol (FEDEBEIS) @fedebeisgua , y a los entrenadores
Jeferson Gutierrez de El Salvador 🇸🇻
A. Marino, Fabián, Eldri Castillo, Maynor Pérez de Rep. Dominicana 🇩🇴 y demás entrenadores que nos acompañaron.
Mil gracias por su apoyo, oramos y buscamos expandir los ambientes deportivos 🙏🏽⚾️👀
Praying for this team as well 🙏🏽 we love you and we miss you! We hope you all are growing closer to Jesus and pursuing His will!
“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:3-6
It’s been almost a month since this “Mountain Top Experience” of Global Impact 2024 (and the literal mountain top experience of hiking Acatenango 😅).
We pray that this was not just a once in a lifetime mountain top experience, but a reminder that we are meant to enjoy each step of the journey, following the way that Jesus already mark. His calling is simple: Follow me. Let’s keep being disciples that make disciples, that make disciples. This is not meant to be an experience, but a lifestyle. Keep pressing and keep following Jesus, I promise the view at the end of this life on earth is going to be so worth it. We are praying for you and we miss you ❤️
“After this I looked, and there in heaven was an open door. The first voice that I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.””
Revelation 4:1
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
Isaac Newton
Thank you Jesus, we pray for everyone in their own journeys, ministries and jobs. May they always remember: they have influence and they are called to reflect Jesus light wherever they are.
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
Isaac Newton
Taking a moment to just look back… and be thankful. Is not about us, is all about Jesus, and He is so kind and merciful that he allows us to collaborate in His redemption plan.
¡Los entrenadores tiene INFLUENCIA!
Excelente tiempo con los entrenadores de EMEFUT @pf.emefut aprendiendo a entrenar la mente y el corazón además del aspecto físico. Esperamos poder seguir compartiendo y capacitando en cada una de las áreas del atleta del siglo 21.
The foundation of what we do and who we are is Jesus. Anyone can share food bags, teach soccer, give away stuff and do good deeds.
We shouldn’t stop doing all those good things we are called to show our faith by our works and serve, but also we never have to forget why we do what we do, and who enables us to do it… the name above all names: JESUS.
“But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.””
Acts 1:8
🏆Girls: Casa Bernabe (Metro Area)
🏆U12: Puerto Rico FC (Central Area)
🏆U14: Casa Bernabé (Metro Area)
🏆U16: S.I. El Tablón (Central Area)
As our very first FCA WARRIOR WAY SOCCER LEAGUE came to an end, we got the privilege of hoisting our “Campeón de Campeones” Championship.
Four representatives of the Central Area vs four representatives from the Metropolitan Area compete to get the championship.
Coaches where able to also recognize their teams MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Thank you Jesus for fútbol!!! ❤️🙌🏽🙏🏽
More than a soccer ball is a connection point ⚽️
Jesus is transforming lives and He is actively collaborating with us in order to do that. We love to see it happen through the influence of coaches and athletes. We took some time to gather, praise and celebrate what Jesus is doing to and through this faithful leaders. It was nice to share and hear impactful stories and testimonies, we pray for each one of the people and organizations involved.
Faith, Fútbol & Familia
What a great time sharing and serving together with our beloved friends from Warrior Way.
The kingdom of heaven’s is HERE!
Categoría U16
🏆Primer Lugar: S.I. El Tablón @si_guatemala
🏆🏆Segundo Lugar: Puerto Rico FC @iglesiabiblicaredencion
⚽️ Goleador: Brandon Lobos - S.I. El Tablón (12 Goles)
🧤Portería Menos Vencido: Hope (6 Goles)
Categoría U14
🏆Primer Lugar: Sin Límites
🏆🏆Segundo Lugar: Hope @hopegt.wr
⚽️ Goleador: Anderson Orlando - Sin Límites (21 Goles)
🧤Portería Menos Vencido: Sin Límites (12 Goles)
Categoría Femenina
🏆Primer Lugar: Vida Deportiva
🏆🏆Segundo Lugar: S.I. El Tablón @si_guatemala
⚽️ Goleadora: Tatiana Monroy- Vida Deportiva (5 Goles)
🧤Portería Menos Vencido: Vida Deportiva (4 Goles)
Categoría U12
🏆Primer Lugar: Puerto Rico FC @iglesiabiblicaredencion
🏆🏆Segundo Lugar: Hope @hopegt.wr
⚽️ Goleador: Wilhem Aju - Puerto Rico FC (15 Goles)
🧤Portería Menos Vencido: Puerto Rico (13 Goles)
Entrenadores, cordialmente invitados , más información por DM.
Thank you all so much!!! We finished our very first FCA Warrior Way 2024 Soccer League!
Special thanks to our partner @warriorwaysoccer 🤝
Also @profutbol_gt for the excellent facilities ⚽️ and service and @dominosgt for the delicious pizza 🍕.
Congratulations to all the coaches and athletes that where part of this @reindomministerios @hopegt.wr @si_guatemala @iglesiabiblicaredencion @darparadar
Keep the good work and God willing see you all the next time!
“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are
being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is
the Spirit.” — 2 Corinthians 3:18
What a season! We are thankful to share the ending of our first FCA WARRIOR WAY LEAGUE thanks to everyone who was part of this! More highlights coming soon!
🎥: @annamaeholeman
FCA: The heart and soul in sports.
Had a great experience on our sabbath… thanks @artistadecafe and @david_perez_amador @lifeofamador for this great time. And the great message: God is in the details.
“¶When I see and consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have established, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of [earthborn] man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, [1 Cor 15:27; Eph 1:22, 23; Heb 2:6-8] All sheep and oxen, And also the beasts of the field, The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, Whatever passes through the paths of the seas. ¶O Lord, our Lord, How majestic and glorious and excellent is Your name in all the earth!”
Psalms 8:3-9
Jesus instruction is clear: FOLLOW ME.
We are disciples, we make disciples, that make disciples…
Global Impact 2024
Global Impact is an internship that focuses on
Growing in our personal relationship with God
Understanding our role in Global Missions
Learning how to utilize the platform of Sports
In order to be disciples that make disciples. Here’s a little recap of our time so far.
First week of Global Impact 2024, praise the Lord, so thankful for this team and what God is doing through them and in them.
“So teach us to number our days, That we may cultivate and bring to You a heart of wisdom.”
Psalms 90:12
Global Impact 2024 has officially started.
Orientation happening in Kansas and Guatemala. Can’t wait to be all together!
Torneo Área Metropolitana
Categoría U14
Torneo Área Metropolitana
Categoría U12
Torneo Área Metropolitana
Categoría U10
Torneo Área Metropolitana
Categoría Femenina
Gracias a Dios pudimos llevar a acabo una clínica de voleibol con personal docente, administrativo y directores de @amgguatemala . Gracias a cada una de las personas que formo parte de esta experiencia. Buscamos expandir los ambientes deportivos y así seguir cumpliendo UNA MISIÓN GLOBAL: Liderar a cada entrenador y atleta en una relación creciente con Jesucristo y Su Iglesia. ❤️
Cumbre de liderazgo @thriveworx. Gracias por la invitación y nos emocionan estos tres días de aprendizaje y crecimiento.
Our Guate teammates @osmarcoach and @carloslinaresgt are now in Honduras ready to receive our teammates from @mines_fca . Please be praying for our partners and teammates as the temperatures raise up to 40°C (100 °F) and we gonna be running some sports camps 🥵🔥 and discipleship trainings.
U16 category
U14 category
U12 category
Girls’ category
Cristo RENUEVA tu vida, tus relaciones y tu propósito.
Ahora perteneces a un equipo más grande
”Así pues, ustedes ya no son extraños ni extranjeros, sino que son conciudadanos de los santos y son de la familia de Dios.“
Efesios 2:19 NBLA
Listos para iniciar una nueva semana ¡Con todo!
Ready to begin a new week, with all the attitude!
El 6 de abril fue el Día Nacional del Deporte para el Desarrollo y La Paz. Celebramos junto con el equipo de Deporte Adaptado participando en actividades deportivas realizadas por el @mcd_guate .
March photo dump!
We love engaging, equipping, empowering and encouraging coaches and athletes to BE disciples that MAKE disciples, we are all part of this journey 🌎🌍🌏
Thankful for everyone ❤️🙏🏽
Este domingo tuvimos un gran tiempo en familia con nuestro equipo de deporte adaptado. Más que un equipo somos familia 🙏🏽
Somos discípulos y hacemos discípulos. Gracias @iglesiaprincipedepazgt por creer en la visión: ver el mundo transformado por JESÚS a través de la influencia de entrenadores y atletas.
LA LIGA 🙏🏽⚽️❤️
🇬🇹 Guatemala present in International Capacity Conference, Orlando FL - 2024
“But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
”que en cuanto a la anterior manera de vivir, ustedes se despojen del viejo hombre, que se corrompe según los deseos engañosos, y que sean renovados en el espíritu de su mente, y se vistan del nuevo hombre, el cual, en la semejanza de Dios, ha sido creado en la justicia y santidad de la verdad.“
Efesios 4:22-24
Compartimos el avance de la primera fecha de la liga, agradecemos y animamos a cada entrenador y atleta por su excelente trabajo. Damos gracias a Dios por la oportunidad de competir y compartir, ¡nos vemos este próximo sábado!
We want to honor on this international women’s day to all the bold and beautiful women that love and enjoy sports.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Queremos honrar en este día internacional de la mujer a todas esas mujeres fuertes y bellas que disfrutan del deporte.
”Engañosa es la gracia y vana la belleza, Pero la mujer que teme al Señor, esa será alabada.“
Proverbios 31:30
Thankful for our staff who made this possible, also our great partners @warriorwaysoccer @profutbol_gt @profutbol_gt and our volunteers
📸: @luciarrz
In Jesus name we play, amen!
#warriorway #fca247
📸: @luciarrz
Estamos a dos días de dar inicio a nuestra liga de la región centro. ¿Preparados?
We are two days away of staring our central region soccer league. Ready?
¡Feliz 2024! Es un nuevo año y eso significa: ¡Nuevo tema ministerial! ¿Están listos?
Happy 2024! It is a new year and that means: New ministry theme! Are you ready?
”Porque un Niño nos ha nacido, un Hijo nos ha sido dado, Y la soberanía reposará sobre Sus hombros. Y se llamará Su nombre Admirable Consejero, Dios Poderoso, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz.“
Isaías 9:6 NBLA
Great weekend spent with brothers and sisters. A time to look back and celebrate what God has done; to stop be still, praise and admire who God is. But also to look forward, plan and pray for what God is about to do. We love God and we love people and can’t wait to keep advancing His plan of redemption. BE DISCIPLES - MAKE DISCIPLES
@casabernabegt @casabernabe
@amgguatemala @amgintl @hopegt.wr
@iglesiabiblicaredencion @reindomministerios @reindomkids
@thriveworx @wildmanlodge
It’s gonna be a fun weekend !
Tu apoyo hoy puede ayudar a que continuemos cumpliendo la visión: Ver el mundo transformado por Jesús a través de la influencia de entrenadores y atletas. Link en la biografía :)
Your support today can help us continuing to fulfill the vision: To see the world transformed by JESUS through the influence of coaches and athletes. Link in bio
#givingtuesday #fcagreater
Oramos por nuestro hermano Fredy Burgos y por todos los demás hermanos que estarán como capellanes deportivos, compartiendo y sirviendo a los atletas en los juegos Para-Panamericanos de Chile 2024. Que esta sea una oportunidad donde muchos conozcan a Cristo.
@fcachile @fca_lan @thefcateam
Missing some faces today !
Oremos por Guatemala. Te invitamos a un tiempo hoy a las 7:30 PM para orar:
Nos solidarizamos con nuestra gente y nos unimos en oración recordando que nuestra esperanza está fija en Cristo y su obra.
“En el mundo tienen tribulación; pero confíen, Yo he vencido al mundo”
- Jesús
Cuando compites hay factores que no puedes controlar directamente como el clima, el terreno de juego, el árbitro, tu contrincante o incluso el resultado. Pero hay otros factores que si puedes dominar: tu actitud y tu esfuerzo. Al tener una buena actitud y dar tu mejor esfuerzo, afectas indirectamente todos los demás factores. #ñ
When you compete there are factors that you cannot directly control such as the weather, the field, the referee, your opponent or even the final score. But there are other factors that you can control: your attitude and your effort. By having a great attitude and giving your best effort, you indirectly are able to affect all the other factors!
“You and I are players, God's our head coach, and we're playing the biggest game of all, life. We have a loving God that made us. We need to get on His team. It says in His word, there's only one way to Him and that's through Jesus Christ.”
- Joe Gibbs
#JesusIsTheGoat 🐐
Great fellowship time in “La Chamusca”
Praying for everyone who joined! Until next time!
Gran tiempo compartiendo en “La Chamusca” oramos por cada uno, ¡nos vemos en la próxima!
Etiqueta al amigo “técnico” 💀
“Tengan por sumo gozo, hermanos míos, cuando se hallen en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la prueba de su fe produce paciencia, y que la paciencia tenga su perfecto resultado, para que sean perfectos y completos, sin que nada les falte.”
Santiago 1:2-4
Tag a friend who reminds you of this pic 💀
“Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.”
James 1:2-4
📸: @lifeofamador
Echemos la chamusca en @casabernabegt un buen tiempo para compartir pero también para COMPETIR 💪🏽😛⚽️🔥
Confirma tu participación 🙏🏽
To see the world transformed by JESUS through the influence of coaches and athletes!
Thanks to everyone who made this possible! Such a great time serving together!
📹: @radicalrecollection
1º @casabernabegt
2º @lincesfcgt
3º Casa de Oración - Canalitos
⚽️: @casabernabegt
🧤🧤: @lincesfcgt
📸: @radicalrecollection
1º @casabernabegt
2º Casa de Oración- Canalitos
3º @reindomministerios
⚽️: @casabernabegt
🧤🧤: @amgguatemala
📸: @radicalrecollection
We live for something GREATER!
📸: @lifeofamador
We are thankful for each person that made this possible. THANK YOU! We are so thankful to be part of something GREATER!
'I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know [without any doubt] that You sent Me, and [that You] have loved them, just as You have loved Me. '
John 17:23
Thank you!
Let’s keep praying and caring for one another. May God bring His peace, power and unity over our lives so we can keep sharing His love and His message of salvation in a faithful and bold way!
As we should :)
“With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people. And pray for me, that words may be given to me when I open my mouth, to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news [of salvation], for which I am an ambassador in chains. And pray that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly and courageously, as I should.”
Ephesians 6:18-20
Muchaaaaaaachooooos!!!! Todo listo para mañana ❤️🔥
Let’s gooooooo! All ready let the competition begin!
We pray that in everything we do, on and off the field, we demonstrate that we are godly people!
“Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]; and walk continually in love [that is, value one another—practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others], just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance.”
Ephesians 5:1-2
2 DAYS!! And 2morrow the team of @warriorwaysoccer comes to GUATE!
Let’s pray that the message of salvation is preach so we can know our true identity in Christ!#fcagreater
3 DAYS!!!!
Today we want to join in prayer so we all can have a greater understatement of how Christ loves us. And that His love remains in us through faith!
“be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God’s people) the width and length and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love];”
Ephesians 3:18
4 days away!
Please pray for each ministry involved, so even tho we are competing, we can grow in unity, with Christ and with one another through Christ! We are ONE in Christ!
We are 5 days away from our tournament and we are EXCITED! Please help us to pray for every coach and athlete to grow in knowing Christ every day!
“[I always pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation [that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight] into the true knowledge of Him [for we know the Father through the Son].”
Ephesians 1:17
Week 3!
It was a bittersweet week visiting one last time the programs of @amgguatemala , All Abilities and @casabernabegt .
@hannah.c.campbell came and helped the students to start developing their ministry game plan.
Had a great weekend visiting Antigua Guatemala and visiting @newhopechurchgt where we learned about CHOOSING JOY! Great message to remember hours later when we where stuck in traffic for about 2 hours 🤣.
Please be praying as the students leave to Lake Atitlan for their last week, a time where we can wrap things up but most important: pray, dream and plan with God to see what he wants to do with us 🙏🏽
“A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them.”
Proverbs 16:9
Global Impact Guatemala 2023
Week 2 already? It’s going so quick! We had some great time worshipping, learning and serving together!
@khuggie12 helped us to go deeper with THE FOUR our tool to share the gospel. Also @dr_fca_27 and @fca.hillcountrytx shared THE CORE, 8 principles to strengthen our faith. We got the privilege to serve in one of the local churches as well with worship and the sermon. We are heading to our last week of field ministry and teachings please pray for the team, teachers and staff in Guate!
Week one has been awesome!
Lots of soccer, testimonies and good food. Had a great experience in all the programs and also we hiked “Pacaya” one of the 3 active volcanoes of Guatemala. Keep us in your prayers as we start week two!
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. Ephesians 2: 4-5